waggin tails pet rescue

Providing essential care to pets waiting to find their forever homes.

Fostering Love and Care

Officially established in 2007, waggin tails pet rescue actively works to save and rehabilitate abandoned pets or stray animals, providing them with proper medical attention, nourishment, and shelter. We hope that providing education to the community and financial assistance with spays and neuters, our efforts will lead to more responsible pet ownership and a significant reduction in pets without homes.

Supporting Animals in Need

  • Foster care, including food and other supplies

  • Veterinary visits, vaccinations and medical care

  • Spay and neuter program and financial assistance

  • Trap-Neuter-Return for feral cats

How You Can Help

Looking to lend a paw and make a difference in the lives of our furry friends? We kindly ask you to take a peek at our Amazon wishlist, where you'll find a collection of items that we rely on regularly. Your assistance, in whatever form it may be, is truly invaluable and cherished beyond measure!

“Pets are humanizing. They remind us we have an obligation and responsibility to preserve and nurture and care for all life.”

— James Cromwell

waggin tails pet rescue's Impact

Since 2018

Pets fostered
Hours volunteered
Feral kitten births prevented


waggin tails pet rescue

waggin tails pet rescue

waggin tails pet rescue is a registered 501(c)3 public charity.

Tax ID number: 84-1714431